Omar took 303 today, he is sick IRL so he PG'ed today, kinda nice though :)
You advanced from level 302 to 303.
WE dont know what to write about, so give some examples please..
You advanced from level 302 to 303.
WE dont know what to write about, so give some examples please..
Postat av: Katrine
Please write what hotkeys you use and what your strategies are for each hunt!! Also include how much you waste on each hunt in order to define profit. I think you are doing a great job!! Keep going!!
Much love;
Postat av: Omar
Vf ser Omar så bög ut? sån wb svenne hahahha
Postat av: Fucking gay omar
Fucking gay omar vf e du så fucking vit, djävla albino fan, sitter framför tibia och runkar på tjej-addonen.